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Robert Verhaaren, a Mesa Arizona resident, was a bicyclist competing as a cyclist in the LOTOJA bike race (the longest one-day bicycle race in the country, beginning in Logan, Utah and ending in Jackson Hole, Wyoming) on Saturday, September 8, 2012. He was approximately 8 miles south of Jackson Hole, Wyoming on Highway 89 when he crossed a bridge over the Snake River and encountered a hazard in the road, believed to have been a pothole, causing him to crash and fall 35 feet into the foot-deep river below.

Sheriff Jim Whalen with Teton County said, “Verhaaren swerved to miss the hazard, over-corrected, lost control of the bicycle and crashed into the guardrail.”

Verhaaren was later pronounced dead and leaves behind his wife and three children.

Local residents have complained about the poor roads in that particular stretch of the LOTOJA race.

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